0xb20a534816befbdf9867f03817473eded9884fef772f2fdaf7af3444266729cd: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x005498770261f4434741d0cf1dfa974209ba73a8612d9137eb0491ecc252ff63",
blockNumber: "1",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xb20a534816befbdf9867f03817473eded9884fef772f2fdaf7af3444266729cd",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "0",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572503570",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xb20a534816befbdf9867f03817473eded9884fef772f2fdaf7af3444266729cd",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572503759",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "28281"
0x1964b5ae0f32659b2cc50f7aa8e2f2d7cb213197adb64008206f1b32ba49aa2f: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x005498770261f4434741d0cf1dfa974209ba73a8612d9137eb0491ecc252ff63",
blockNumber: "1",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x1964b5ae0f32659b2cc50f7aa8e2f2d7cb213197adb64008206f1b32ba49aa2f",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "1073150",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: 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hash: "0x1964b5ae0f32659b2cc50f7aa8e2f2d7cb213197adb64008206f1b32ba49aa2f",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572503759",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "43025"
0x04abb86e2b5e444838e6b3bd8ba622183c57a135c08f96fff703520d4d5a886b: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00a4160dc73d5ae90b2375fe405b56005fa5693009c9c23d62b129f878aec822",
blockNumber: "2",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x04abb86e2b5e444838e6b3bd8ba622183c57a135c08f96fff703520d4d5a886b",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "1",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572508924",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x04abb86e2b5e444838e6b3bd8ba622183c57a135c08f96fff703520d4d5a886b",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572509409",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "882"
0x5f688782a2de8e88327e6930d4133fd833252e1255a7595d619964a2f58bba67: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00a4160dc73d5ae90b2375fe405b56005fa5693009c9c23d62b129f878aec822",
blockNumber: "2",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x5f688782a2de8e88327e6930d4133fd833252e1255a7595d619964a2f58bba67",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "679950",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "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",
nonce: "1",
to: "0x",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572507298",
v: "1c61",
r: "52d7b13a7aa39476956574523caae17c0a7b9a6db8ce5d2d6f93cd892a9712fa",
s: "16f7aa69823edaf5a24fb214149fd1a93223244a52397f767a9babb696ced4c1"
hash: "0x5f688782a2de8e88327e6930d4133fd833252e1255a7595d619964a2f58bba67",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572509409",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "7139"
0x591adc77dc95f7fdcbf421db667bf86454d0dffcd9c9ecd7b29a726a7edb75ec: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00159c1cfcf8717f506966ffcaa50f6f1ee46bf48ac7f60b1ee60979600d6436",
blockNumber: "3",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x591adc77dc95f7fdcbf421db667bf86454d0dffcd9c9ecd7b29a726a7edb75ec",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "2",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572514573",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x591adc77dc95f7fdcbf421db667bf86454d0dffcd9c9ecd7b29a726a7edb75ec",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572515672",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "17662"
0x242f750a46ec75c386606f20ed7d4c2a1486cf0150919aef761010e89c5b43eb: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00159c1cfcf8717f506966ffcaa50f6f1ee46bf48ac7f60b1ee60979600d6436",
blockNumber: "3",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x242f750a46ec75c386606f20ed7d4c2a1486cf0150919aef761010e89c5b43eb",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "1026150",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: 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nonce: "2",
to: "0x",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572512663",
v: "1c61",
r: "ba56678227bb332eb4d1c3f12cc364089430e2cb540e18d039f5f052c6d5bb4b",
s: "38b0c26a130a04692fc548a89f8e69704dc4cf4133c357cd511ecd0cbb3717d5"
hash: "0x242f750a46ec75c386606f20ed7d4c2a1486cf0150919aef761010e89c5b43eb",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
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const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
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return null;
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const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
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return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572515672",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "8192"
0x27e73c42af396d9235a8853bbcefb4616a038980141c7a5b4c38ee527ff91477: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00984edd40de5df064bb772c113d288d9d12599ba750074e6150184f409f87c5",
blockNumber: "4",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x27e73c42af396d9235a8853bbcefb4616a038980141c7a5b4c38ee527ff91477",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "3",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572520847",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x27e73c42af396d9235a8853bbcefb4616a038980141c7a5b4c38ee527ff91477",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572522237",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2870"
0x484d9c454cc34fc752903e492ce5c573118ba68824594a6fe0eabedd938361f6: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00984edd40de5df064bb772c113d288d9d12599ba750074e6150184f409f87c5",
blockNumber: "4",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x484d9c454cc34fc752903e492ce5c573118ba68824594a6fe0eabedd938361f6",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "1034900",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "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load: "() => {
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this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
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getBlock: "() => {
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value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572522237",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "24473"
0x064db09f8ba8a213241f621442f62b9e1a69154aed2455cd68bd217f9a1e907b: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00b78e2d71f5430ea94beb2f6001c4ed6a97e6916a8a000fe57accad16de9ee9",
blockNumber: "5",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x064db09f8ba8a213241f621442f62b9e1a69154aed2455cd68bd217f9a1e907b",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "4",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572528074",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x064db09f8ba8a213241f621442f62b9e1a69154aed2455cd68bd217f9a1e907b",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572534826",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "3043"
0x86764232071da39aafa015bef38b5a40f390b01afa54744d0e3965cca608b472: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00b78e2d71f5430ea94beb2f6001c4ed6a97e6916a8a000fe57accad16de9ee9",
blockNumber: "5",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x86764232071da39aafa015bef38b5a40f390b01afa54744d0e3965cca608b472",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "1154700",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "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value: "0",
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origin: "1651572527414",
v: "1c61",
r: "2fc3087e36c40e64e6c573d59067566a81b8901ae977aefb08004b58e0f65c6a",
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hash: "0x86764232071da39aafa015bef38b5a40f390b01afa54744d0e3965cca608b472",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
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getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
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getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
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const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
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const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
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if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
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const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
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return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
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return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572534826",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "32626"
0xdd7fdeab583b5a983e7327d948a4aed7c53e5bb868bdb2d2db2dd9218bd39b90: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0097f4ce4ac7dd73246b361656d4f11539bfe8a6ae68479b06a1aefe52729dea",
blockNumber: "6",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xdd7fdeab583b5a983e7327d948a4aed7c53e5bb868bdb2d2db2dd9218bd39b90",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "5",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572540008",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xdd7fdeab583b5a983e7327d948a4aed7c53e5bb868bdb2d2db2dd9218bd39b90",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572545092",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2385"
0x2d9987bffd02b12a95167d157f4d345b1954b62f043e308b892e916e0b217308: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0097f4ce4ac7dd73246b361656d4f11539bfe8a6ae68479b06a1aefe52729dea",
blockNumber: "6",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x2d9987bffd02b12a95167d157f4d345b1954b62f043e308b892e916e0b217308",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "989450",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "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nonce: "5",
to: "0x",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572536772",
v: "1c62",
r: "bd32c1efb50f46056411c4565ff213b9662d532f7f29409aa616ed9410647639",
s: "221598b4931dfb612a38c235dcaddc2e1c8167d69db03932bcdbdb96b6bc1ae3"
hash: "0x2d9987bffd02b12a95167d157f4d345b1954b62f043e308b892e916e0b217308",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572545092",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "21116"
0x8242a23917239a9fdc16f71f3272d08a0e6e6ebd4ec9696f13aa8f2a3bb42aeb: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0002e11e37101c4d7386f6c36294514c2308fe8434e6c413dd9c843b2a0bd52e",
blockNumber: "7",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x8242a23917239a9fdc16f71f3272d08a0e6e6ebd4ec9696f13aa8f2a3bb42aeb",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "6",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572550882",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x8242a23917239a9fdc16f71f3272d08a0e6e6ebd4ec9696f13aa8f2a3bb42aeb",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572551733",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "3108"
0xcef76138cfb3883fae36032061551ff0dcff8785795478380912e44318fe40bd: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0002e11e37101c4d7386f6c36294514c2308fe8434e6c413dd9c843b2a0bd52e",
blockNumber: "7",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xcef76138cfb3883fae36032061551ff0dcff8785795478380912e44318fe40bd",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "1135950",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: 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nonce: "6",
to: "0x",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572550141",
v: "1c61",
r: "a980b72389ae3d2144af00f47acbe772ae53fb51f1acbcd068760d57b663cf41",
s: "775a54a26bf9f47097959d46d772a5bddbbc9310ef6c8cd4ea160e026de5ec9e"
hash: "0xcef76138cfb3883fae36032061551ff0dcff8785795478380912e44318fe40bd",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
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const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572551733",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "30925"
0xfc4ea62204e6014c299da06a9f495eb1188f09b5c0e0832ee9bcb2b279573445: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00abd0559e99a60cc3895a255124003fd783f2a7f5859b15aad137437ea7c79a",
blockNumber: "8",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xfc4ea62204e6014c299da06a9f495eb1188f09b5c0e0832ee9bcb2b279573445",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "7",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572556926",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xfc4ea62204e6014c299da06a9f495eb1188f09b5c0e0832ee9bcb2b279573445",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572557849",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "5720"
0xfe576f241ed53b32a1748eb53e93838c2e60c2ffc866a993482590a854d9152e: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00abd0559e99a60cc3895a255124003fd783f2a7f5859b15aad137437ea7c79a",
blockNumber: "8",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xfe576f241ed53b32a1748eb53e93838c2e60c2ffc866a993482590a854d9152e",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "1750900",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "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value: "0",
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s: "188d92578b709d60685699c65685d49a2758c0ca042bdb5b8ab5bdcc05cc594e"
hash: "0xfe576f241ed53b32a1748eb53e93838c2e60c2ffc866a993482590a854d9152e",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
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const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
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getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
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const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
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if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
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return null;
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const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
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return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
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return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
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blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
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gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
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getHashOLD: "() => {
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gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
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gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
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to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572557849",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "130808"
0xd27067832f83e7888f4fa5193f443f880650af6aa95d1f67ba0f48d22619d302: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x007d12ef737a792e65de5c88ad295881851a53ffb193f3157f157bb13747118d",
blockNumber: "9",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xd27067832f83e7888f4fa5193f443f880650af6aa95d1f67ba0f48d22619d302",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "8",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572563042",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xd27067832f83e7888f4fa5193f443f880650af6aa95d1f67ba0f48d22619d302",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572564252",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2419"
0xd242c8ffbe99682086ac93dfbdb2f83ce794ef8af244cc33bf59368aaf85b603: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x007d12ef737a792e65de5c88ad295881851a53ffb193f3157f157bb13747118d",
blockNumber: "9",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xd242c8ffbe99682086ac93dfbdb2f83ce794ef8af244cc33bf59368aaf85b603",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "1015000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "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nonce: "8",
to: "0x",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572560908",
v: "1c62",
r: "d14cfec2be03194c3f5a22a8c52034fca6a038ec7274d758214020b2d3e079d0",
s: "4eeed5c1be8fe784e7601029f7300369eb5458317718434504e1d115c704d533"
hash: "0xd242c8ffbe99682086ac93dfbdb2f83ce794ef8af244cc33bf59368aaf85b603",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
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return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
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const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
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blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
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gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572564252",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "22850"
0xdb8d72297b2c4ec5299b905c528f01396a1b01a40e07a1096ed6490d4f09f341: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00995e427a45c5fef2068e47722cab6cfedf79fa867f67a4183b56a24d67a629",
blockNumber: "10",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xdb8d72297b2c4ec5299b905c528f01396a1b01a40e07a1096ed6490d4f09f341",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "9",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572569412",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xdb8d72297b2c4ec5299b905c528f01396a1b01a40e07a1096ed6490d4f09f341",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572572819",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2371"
0x15a7d8bf0c3ef7b0d877bd57e0410f1d73fe4bc4e3425a606f3dab8b44370584: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00995e427a45c5fef2068e47722cab6cfedf79fa867f67a4183b56a24d67a629",
blockNumber: "10",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x15a7d8bf0c3ef7b0d877bd57e0410f1d73fe4bc4e3425a606f3dab8b44370584",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "773200",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "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",
nonce: "9",
to: "0x",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572566256",
v: "1c61",
r: "59929cee33cb5db34421e6445095e373f112098a28fa78e51411c6d9c5e0877a",
s: "676b05cfcdcbcdc8f5ac9f2da3eb8834e505bd338f505afc9246ed44e9c09a93"
hash: "0x15a7d8bf0c3ef7b0d877bd57e0410f1d73fe4bc4e3425a606f3dab8b44370584",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572572819",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "15563"
0x41b01d5cf0ac57ead682903fef63b69ac9dbfb9cddf90ad94423ecac16fd6a44: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00a5f0a942a24b2965f4c5c46e76099952b74c10e6ec7160cecad9d9290f80cb",
blockNumber: "11",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x41b01d5cf0ac57ead682903fef63b69ac9dbfb9cddf90ad94423ecac16fd6a44",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "10",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572577821",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x41b01d5cf0ac57ead682903fef63b69ac9dbfb9cddf90ad94423ecac16fd6a44",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572579441",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2427"
0xd35ada50d67fe104087551ffcc9b05db08902ced472e9d26982fce6f59b66cf1: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00a5f0a942a24b2965f4c5c46e76099952b74c10e6ec7160cecad9d9290f80cb",
blockNumber: "11",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xd35ada50d67fe104087551ffcc9b05db08902ced472e9d26982fce6f59b66cf1",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "987250",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: 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nonce: "10",
to: "0x",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651572575597",
v: "1c62",
r: "9f401c8da69afce6b0386fe070ad3f5590f4a9145f392e4fc9157a1efdda51fd",
s: "7893ea5244c46eef14522140de92b977b08999aea6e49de661916914afcd55b7"
hash: "0xd35ada50d67fe104087551ffcc9b05db08902ced472e9d26982fce6f59b66cf1",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651572579441",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "118396"
0x1ccfa75127b63b28546df83229b654b3b3e9e6b1f19a39b66b8d4360cec9075a: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0057534b6cfdb8717c383af981bbb658d7b6ddd2dc8ad354d8d1707bc2f387a8",
blockNumber: "12",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x1ccfa75127b63b28546df83229b654b3b3e9e6b1f19a39b66b8d4360cec9075a",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "11",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651573244565",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x1ccfa75127b63b28546df83229b654b3b3e9e6b1f19a39b66b8d4360cec9075a",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651573244923",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "10220"
0x769cdbd9cf5e7f437df3a7f1b8020b66933d562fcec2b04982a6db364b7e4368: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0057534b6cfdb8717c383af981bbb658d7b6ddd2dc8ad354d8d1707bc2f387a8",
blockNumber: "12",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x769cdbd9cf5e7f437df3a7f1b8020b66933d562fcec2b04982a6db364b7e4368",
from: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
gasLimit: "1009225",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0xc4d66de8000000000000000000000000c3349025e73b4746d79a30ade1200e5dd2d8f754",
nonce: "0",
to: "0x92c8b8729d850d99c34c50ab2846ec36169e0024",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651573244284",
v: "1c62",
r: "14746962d66ef43c71ca800f8781b85332e41d4278834ecb0447a97ecef31bbb",
s: "7a99c76ff5cfbcaf9bb2a747be7ee0fa98f3c331fffc07b34b660d72e24f6764"
hash: "0x769cdbd9cf5e7f437df3a7f1b8020b66933d562fcec2b04982a6db364b7e4368",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651573244923",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "37027"
0xbbd9bc8af925117d2b6780e7f27663864e9210fc13a138dfac247df2fdc49a1a: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00414a114990d56e26f1dcfe2a7408290afeab03d0c1745a9a62c50c5b6ef4b7",
blockNumber: "13",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xbbd9bc8af925117d2b6780e7f27663864e9210fc13a138dfac247df2fdc49a1a",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "12",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651573274928",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xbbd9bc8af925117d2b6780e7f27663864e9210fc13a138dfac247df2fdc49a1a",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651573276517",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "1091"
0xc26da3a9c97df9c900dad01068900bbc283f53e191e45aa27e753452f5de4513: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00414a114990d56e26f1dcfe2a7408290afeab03d0c1745a9a62c50c5b6ef4b7",
blockNumber: "13",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xc26da3a9c97df9c900dad01068900bbc283f53e191e45aa27e753452f5de4513",
from: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
gasLimit: "1042350",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x485cc9550000000000000000000000002347d36cf0d94b98bab6d6d41c6f94d7214830ad00000000000000000000000092c8b8729d850d99c34c50ab2846ec36169e0024",
nonce: "1",
to: "0xc3349025e73b4746d79a30ade1200e5dd2d8f754",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651573273725",
v: "1c61",
r: "223c71fe6602674c5a71940b55e166e57249ea32a210f6ee5ac16e3079b27497",
s: "6ab19456fcd771a02e3843972f403b89812d9aa3c9f68f4f9157086c1f05d064"
hash: "0xc26da3a9c97df9c900dad01068900bbc283f53e191e45aa27e753452f5de4513",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651573276517",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "3653"
0xaa8218d823df7dc15a2d178e93c01452b8b70dc35a35ce671a7ac576bfc40908: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x005a49b15afe4e0debb58472946ae60874f2dc624b1c04c3917ea8ee3a311894",
blockNumber: "14",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xaa8218d823df7dc15a2d178e93c01452b8b70dc35a35ce671a7ac576bfc40908",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "13",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651573336527",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xaa8218d823df7dc15a2d178e93c01452b8b70dc35a35ce671a7ac576bfc40908",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651573347208",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "1637"
0x30cba6a6848c69fe29d79a6eb059accf512d6021704f3b40f9108382a0f20090: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x005a49b15afe4e0debb58472946ae60874f2dc624b1c04c3917ea8ee3a311894",
blockNumber: "14",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x30cba6a6848c69fe29d79a6eb059accf512d6021704f3b40f9108382a0f20090",
from: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
gasLimit: "1093175",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x8129fc1c",
nonce: "2",
to: "0x73f7dafa086d58aedd8146f40dd8a86fcf778b8f",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651573333287",
v: "1c62",
r: "caa8c427b5298000eda99e650f74972b18d074c4a977e47358d42e261b6a505",
s: "7c5786fec02c279877cb51f84f101158b09871fa49e613b60c1fe6bae7bd36d2"
hash: "0x30cba6a6848c69fe29d79a6eb059accf512d6021704f3b40f9108382a0f20090",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651573347208",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "16006"
0x342ed5070a8a271f266c3ee9c999953009ee99be3a877c78c80cbe299d0e339b: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00e582a804ccdb50fd7c37f92b368113b0c133e26ca6cc2b77dce3b84ec75dc2",
blockNumber: "15",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x342ed5070a8a271f266c3ee9c999953009ee99be3a877c78c80cbe299d0e339b",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "14",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651573372214",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x342ed5070a8a271f266c3ee9c999953009ee99be3a877c78c80cbe299d0e339b",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651573373097",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "3034"
0xb32a63ebe1e1c60d471eeeedae9c86a0ff211736e7ccb84078c51da86d0dd2d8: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00e582a804ccdb50fd7c37f92b368113b0c133e26ca6cc2b77dce3b84ec75dc2",
blockNumber: "15",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xb32a63ebe1e1c60d471eeeedae9c86a0ff211736e7ccb84078c51da86d0dd2d8",
from: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
gasLimit: "997000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0xc4d66de80000000000000000000000000c3b429fa6cd44a96fcea3cc3fc085d1ddee8158",
nonce: "3",
to: "0x76c2315b2e96876d0d3db8f036f74fee3b581785",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651573367816",
v: "1c62",
r: "3cae497511bc5d4f7a5fc99adc9f75e965b1680be4d28078c4cce1ebee8f88fb",
s: "7dc97ce0d35f7e751c8540223f121326a5af3a2756cac03b4c3361e2b2da27bf"
hash: "0xb32a63ebe1e1c60d471eeeedae9c86a0ff211736e7ccb84078c51da86d0dd2d8",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651573373097",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "15632"
0x4e28d78f2bd6c539618307eb60e57a4afba941eb4d75606ac5fc37747de5e9ff: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0082e934a641129a5c4797b95d0bdd2425f9cf81467df3f9a3b5c8e079fabc51",
blockNumber: "16",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x4e28d78f2bd6c539618307eb60e57a4afba941eb4d75606ac5fc37747de5e9ff",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "15",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651573733167",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x4e28d78f2bd6c539618307eb60e57a4afba941eb4d75606ac5fc37747de5e9ff",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651573739426",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "19697"
0x194cae77eda01be54da0d49a51846deb0b138797565b73b012900c782acd2daa: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0082e934a641129a5c4797b95d0bdd2425f9cf81467df3f9a3b5c8e079fabc51",
blockNumber: "16",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x194cae77eda01be54da0d49a51846deb0b138797565b73b012900c782acd2daa",
from: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
gasLimit: "2223850",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x485cc9550000000000000000000000002347d36cf0d94b98bab6d6d41c6f94d7214830ad00000000000000000000000092c8b8729d850d99c34c50ab2846ec36169e0024",
nonce: "4",
to: "0xe58b9e60afe16e5707376e84372fa1dfbebf71f0",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651573731459",
v: "1c61",
r: "e90cbfbd0561483a0fb4836b3d4a20428b17f42e9e9e6ef71636e2baf5923407",
s: "983e71c3c7ef66aad95f9b19afcf458f6553cfa9588e51a6cb716d1bbd07f21"
hash: "0x194cae77eda01be54da0d49a51846deb0b138797565b73b012900c782acd2daa",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651573739426",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "10899"
0xd47ddc32fa6151aa2cf9c1a8e416128bfbf6f29333acc1311a822c4de4dc0b8e: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00ce0b46cfcc43e1f94282a4add1dafe308d0b612049cbd65e3f57eba677831f",
blockNumber: "17",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xd47ddc32fa6151aa2cf9c1a8e416128bfbf6f29333acc1311a822c4de4dc0b8e",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "16",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651573774435",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xd47ddc32fa6151aa2cf9c1a8e416128bfbf6f29333acc1311a822c4de4dc0b8e",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651573779861",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "3942"
0x2294b753e054ffa64adcafc660939c2f9d40009cde3175a78eb57c6985399b65: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00ce0b46cfcc43e1f94282a4add1dafe308d0b612049cbd65e3f57eba677831f",
blockNumber: "17",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x2294b753e054ffa64adcafc660939c2f9d40009cde3175a78eb57c6985399b65",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "2223850",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x485cc9550000000000000000000000002347d36cf0d94b98bab6d6d41c6f94d7214830ad00000000000000000000000092c8b8729d850d99c34c50ab2846ec36169e0024",
nonce: "11",
to: "0xe58b9e60afe16e5707376e84372fa1dfbebf71f0",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651573773098",
v: "1c61",
r: "6aed032c0326f470058228edb502c7232d6f6c3d409ab4317789e75a03dcfc2e",
s: "9fbf54b42a0b6e840feb40775d48313fa1bd4ff4079d5cea00bcb8b913d28c6"
hash: "0x2294b753e054ffa64adcafc660939c2f9d40009cde3175a78eb57c6985399b65",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651573779861",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "19070"
0xb67035d14aa288f02f17022e4c0a4cfc7174c405b14958c3d8025a30c37db03c: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00194ae3567ca5cb5c82eba81fbc2ef50b1031af4cfd42da84fe7bfc2f78f109",
blockNumber: "18",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xb67035d14aa288f02f17022e4c0a4cfc7174c405b14958c3d8025a30c37db03c",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "17",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651574069918",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xb67035d14aa288f02f17022e4c0a4cfc7174c405b14958c3d8025a30c37db03c",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651574073240",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "30545"
0xf5ff4d07877270f43c650fc44c0b7f3746af8bc96b81c331232a8e546eddd118: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00194ae3567ca5cb5c82eba81fbc2ef50b1031af4cfd42da84fe7bfc2f78f109",
blockNumber: "18",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xf5ff4d07877270f43c650fc44c0b7f3746af8bc96b81c331232a8e546eddd118",
from: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
gasLimit: "709300",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "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",
nonce: "5",
to: "0x0c3b429fa6cd44a96fcea3cc3fc085d1ddee8158",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651574066662",
v: "1c62",
r: "1ac7e1f679fdcbd748015a87ff3b8cc632816d44dc483dbd7c14c931d98f60a1",
s: "39d9888efd78891aaed5aeef22927ee818208f1ad9c6c046ffcf3aba98f30998"
hash: "0xf5ff4d07877270f43c650fc44c0b7f3746af8bc96b81c331232a8e546eddd118",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651574073240",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "38720"
0x9b2847c8ad869e5c7088bf9a0085d59a8c2c33254018d8f0d2f3c7ac3d432920: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0064d5547aa2ffd14e4859e5f7ddd42920ac3f7c3b30fd37df1a124c8ebed045",
blockNumber: "19",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x9b2847c8ad869e5c7088bf9a0085d59a8c2c33254018d8f0d2f3c7ac3d432920",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "18",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651574148254",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x9b2847c8ad869e5c7088bf9a0085d59a8c2c33254018d8f0d2f3c7ac3d432920",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651574150882",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2533"
0x3f7a6a28c7cf9385da34dc150f359bbc079ac93b8730f3decfcaedd997097d87: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0064d5547aa2ffd14e4859e5f7ddd42920ac3f7c3b30fd37df1a124c8ebed045",
blockNumber: "19",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x3f7a6a28c7cf9385da34dc150f359bbc079ac93b8730f3decfcaedd997097d87",
from: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
gasLimit: "756800",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x9fcdec61",
nonce: "6",
to: "0x0c3b429fa6cd44a96fcea3cc3fc085d1ddee8158",
value: "500000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651574147126",
v: "1c62",
r: "ac4c77e38c392a0e4a6a77d199c5c540cbe08ea1b4f4c6d8bfdc9b46890caf35",
s: "8a63e6112e1fcef19f49ce9ebb5be6a55da282e7e5b3fc5c7ca1e32e7579025"
hash: "0x3f7a6a28c7cf9385da34dc150f359bbc079ac93b8730f3decfcaedd997097d87",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651574150882",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "24231"
0x2abee744990aac1acae099789c5faef85dfaeee92db840996c1739dc1de001b4: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x006f9e87c3f7e9810f5cd88f8b256d3a72f1e428c4589aaebbf55a39f705fe67",
blockNumber: "20",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x2abee744990aac1acae099789c5faef85dfaeee92db840996c1739dc1de001b4",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "19",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651574490946",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x2abee744990aac1acae099789c5faef85dfaeee92db840996c1739dc1de001b4",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651574491426",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "4760"
0x60334c2fbb9a0da329f6503562b6d3abb0f589f735490b6cb548804d357d9f32: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x006f9e87c3f7e9810f5cd88f8b256d3a72f1e428c4589aaebbf55a39f705fe67",
blockNumber: "20",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x60334c2fbb9a0da329f6503562b6d3abb0f589f735490b6cb548804d357d9f32",
from: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
gasLimit: "756800",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x9fcdec61",
nonce: "7",
to: "0x0c3b429fa6cd44a96fcea3cc3fc085d1ddee8158",
value: "500000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1651574488415",
v: "1c62",
r: "beeead632fec2c3f28bdd652990b3c1906381fb9554c0be4a5b4ffefc8609e56",
s: "2cffe1f1903020fec2d55b28138b7a0c27c6318aff7c3b027c09b252ebccb0dc"
hash: "0x60334c2fbb9a0da329f6503562b6d3abb0f589f735490b6cb548804d357d9f32",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1651574491426",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "26482"
0x41af027d89d15b18be4560bcbe6ac3b1ce537076e699b17359cec57781b340fa: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x000690dbd86540f6288a531c7c62b84ab7df7ee3fd2f47898d7d46ece93cafb2",
blockNumber: "21",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x41af027d89d15b18be4560bcbe6ac3b1ce537076e699b17359cec57781b340fa",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "20",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1690714320713",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x41af027d89d15b18be4560bcbe6ac3b1ce537076e699b17359cec57781b340fa",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1690714322068",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "10894"
0xb3abc261f15cb3e4270615cc4c5f5a9bfab9ffbf6772c6361092d95732329b13: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x000690dbd86540f6288a531c7c62b84ab7df7ee3fd2f47898d7d46ece93cafb2",
blockNumber: "21",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xb3abc261f15cb3e4270615cc4c5f5a9bfab9ffbf6772c6361092d95732329b13",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000690bf6cfce1affb8c0e72fe863bd0a2ab06374cc",
nonce: "12",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1690714315984",
v: "1c62",
r: "b96813a3bb66cae8a9e2a1adfef6d0c0e897caa0bf17a4a2792314ad2e8516dc",
s: "741345b60cec7bda4cc8d1a79b0b1eac7583772900910baf825c696e1b09dc92"
hash: "0xb3abc261f15cb3e4270615cc4c5f5a9bfab9ffbf6772c6361092d95732329b13",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1690714322068",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "12980"
0x1790ba27fa43a3b8b107a762a4601833623ccd5855c3624e2aff68130b8776e6: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00e5251a9e96c0ac07d69d28521ce9df5e149bf0b7c398c665cadbe55915e269",
blockNumber: "22",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x1790ba27fa43a3b8b107a762a4601833623ccd5855c3624e2aff68130b8776e6",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "21",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136409591",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x1790ba27fa43a3b8b107a762a4601833623ccd5855c3624e2aff68130b8776e6",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136410432",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "1798"
0x08838c57c86c750b35a3c2318e39f2d9685225d4080c2c38d24b7ef5add02d9b: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00e5251a9e96c0ac07d69d28521ce9df5e149bf0b7c398c665cadbe55915e269",
blockNumber: "22",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x08838c57c86c750b35a3c2318e39f2d9685225d4080c2c38d24b7ef5add02d9b",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "13",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136406721",
v: "1c62",
r: "62b5516c4d8df50d01b7f5f7592d48a5f26fe4719fd67d120c715ed4b901ff0c",
s: "3cbaeefaf1ecf7c18931e12e3ab2baf54a8d5322f19c9ada47d4cc6b5288e4c1"
hash: "0x08838c57c86c750b35a3c2318e39f2d9685225d4080c2c38d24b7ef5add02d9b",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136410432",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "6259"
0x0fb59c7e470b8e22ead1eed3b19fb9d59258a7c1dbe2bff2fcbaeea6361d46c0: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0067ca596f5e893ca6e0eef72f493d1978c209dfe986a7a92910c8686f9b966f",
blockNumber: "23",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x0fb59c7e470b8e22ead1eed3b19fb9d59258a7c1dbe2bff2fcbaeea6361d46c0",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "22",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136415433",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x0fb59c7e470b8e22ead1eed3b19fb9d59258a7c1dbe2bff2fcbaeea6361d46c0",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136420516",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "681"
0xe51decb9e38a2bb8630f947fcd3e45e61bcdeae36f8e92130c7f06d8d344ed9a: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0067ca596f5e893ca6e0eef72f493d1978c209dfe986a7a92910c8686f9b966f",
blockNumber: "23",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xe51decb9e38a2bb8630f947fcd3e45e61bcdeae36f8e92130c7f06d8d344ed9a",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "14",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136411229",
v: "1c61",
r: "c919f19797471643d595821753236b6e021082f4931f53d0b7b3eb50029fe0f5",
s: "696d64d921b93a7f839a42ebd7e8d54f5834397ea2b690eb253c224803b8bfb"
hash: "0xe51decb9e38a2bb8630f947fcd3e45e61bcdeae36f8e92130c7f06d8d344ed9a",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136420516",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1229"
0xf01070f8909570ad2744f059270511d7ba0d38535b119cc2af507fa194168e4d: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00910ce3374fbac9cd36c3b3c0455e57453539f71c4c17ab99dd868fc23f7fab",
blockNumber: "24",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xf01070f8909570ad2744f059270511d7ba0d38535b119cc2af507fa194168e4d",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "23",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136425518",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xf01070f8909570ad2744f059270511d7ba0d38535b119cc2af507fa194168e4d",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136426450",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "503"
0xf5a2934425fc3114cd64b383f3adfd9813f0c1b4bb2147a9bc37cb6bd6a72b2a: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00910ce3374fbac9cd36c3b3c0455e57453539f71c4c17ab99dd868fc23f7fab",
blockNumber: "24",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xf5a2934425fc3114cd64b383f3adfd9813f0c1b4bb2147a9bc37cb6bd6a72b2a",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "15",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136420786",
v: "1c61",
r: "13cc3d97fbd971ded5ee668bc443ff5f0578a28d72997da72064f89a89e6763c",
s: "7920b01a54414cda22674d309bfe424a339493204555a4291c983d2e7215ad3"
hash: "0xf5a2934425fc3114cd64b383f3adfd9813f0c1b4bb2147a9bc37cb6bd6a72b2a",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136426450",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1444"
0xf1d86d75ab2c63629371c58c70dfb9b013da1585cf6664e9c25bead876f29fe6: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00eb6d9c7468838daa19609330108bf2a43393bec98e8b8924d53cc7b89e40f9",
blockNumber: "25",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xf1d86d75ab2c63629371c58c70dfb9b013da1585cf6664e9c25bead876f29fe6",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "24",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136431451",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xf1d86d75ab2c63629371c58c70dfb9b013da1585cf6664e9c25bead876f29fe6",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136443883",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "1112"
0xe04941629d6246a16a45de1a024aaf9cc18110ef6c2e1dc4f38cbea4a81c2dd2: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00eb6d9c7468838daa19609330108bf2a43393bec98e8b8924d53cc7b89e40f9",
blockNumber: "25",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xe04941629d6246a16a45de1a024aaf9cc18110ef6c2e1dc4f38cbea4a81c2dd2",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "16",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136429238",
v: "1c62",
r: "57923fab44764235e922bc52f340e8e72cf11bbdf34835e45ceb49e60b4ca6b3",
s: "73b1acabe3613f87811c32b0cad98a938787aa8c4b9e323f4b4bfe00b39317b0"
hash: "0xe04941629d6246a16a45de1a024aaf9cc18110ef6c2e1dc4f38cbea4a81c2dd2",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136443883",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "5952"
0xf528ac61d82abd653b1f6e157b8bca69c7fcb386977dbe7cf47e396c9834db5b: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00f4ba73a9f760b6a0b4c862034535e3db461c803270f75f4aa4232797643d50",
blockNumber: "26",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xf528ac61d82abd653b1f6e157b8bca69c7fcb386977dbe7cf47e396c9834db5b",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "25",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136448885",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xf528ac61d82abd653b1f6e157b8bca69c7fcb386977dbe7cf47e396c9834db5b",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136455225",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "991"
0x121ccb7eaf7a50218653db6da441ce98ba31ac8ea2a56211ad512f786723d799: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00f4ba73a9f760b6a0b4c862034535e3db461c803270f75f4aa4232797643d50",
blockNumber: "26",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x121ccb7eaf7a50218653db6da441ce98ba31ac8ea2a56211ad512f786723d799",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "17",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136445425",
v: "1c61",
r: "4087e83510a2909f2f00c9afe00a6015e21b59a9cf48ba0cd739a4af988d2fc2",
s: "61e53064bc554fcdf27313fb2a76ab0f883c562b9592d625939d62b848d63f23"
hash: "0x121ccb7eaf7a50218653db6da441ce98ba31ac8ea2a56211ad512f786723d799",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136455225",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "929"
0xef49572448544b2409e7f177f49c41723947ff4abf57e24803a2581a3afaf2a6: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0004d466554881f61a680e105a7a77683f40cfd4ba1d17c1193d3b1334bebb0c",
blockNumber: "27",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xef49572448544b2409e7f177f49c41723947ff4abf57e24803a2581a3afaf2a6",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "26",
to: "0xff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136669514",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xef49572448544b2409e7f177f49c41723947ff4abf57e24803a2581a3afaf2a6",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136670178",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "3015"
0x6c731343fb71c49d30ba2ad776743a3ac994b55559f1a7cacb6d2edacc876b43: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0004d466554881f61a680e105a7a77683f40cfd4ba1d17c1193d3b1334bebb0c",
blockNumber: "27",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x6c731343fb71c49d30ba2ad776743a3ac994b55559f1a7cacb6d2edacc876b43",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "18",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136665973",
v: "1c61",
r: "89464680f09640478b764b989a943c1a86db2cb786cb7ad3dfe181b41f69a166",
s: "37bd73da6c796559761a516c69c3e4778aed293cab346ee1abc894329af2df54"
hash: "0x6c731343fb71c49d30ba2ad776743a3ac994b55559f1a7cacb6d2edacc876b43",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136670178",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1355"
0x802b4da2ec330e7f51b5523db7aa08d31b5bae1c9f25e516f94c32e83c1b20e0: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0023d94e150cd9d0209c569310198178011944804b3d80e0cd7403db76c7886e",
blockNumber: "28",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x802b4da2ec330e7f51b5523db7aa08d31b5bae1c9f25e516f94c32e83c1b20e0",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "27",
to: "0xff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136675333",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x802b4da2ec330e7f51b5523db7aa08d31b5bae1c9f25e516f94c32e83c1b20e0",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136675685",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2447"
0x270780dd570baa0939e878e62eff1a299b708a6a2a376cce05110c1efdc4dd7d: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0023d94e150cd9d0209c569310198178011944804b3d80e0cd7403db76c7886e",
blockNumber: "28",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x270780dd570baa0939e878e62eff1a299b708a6a2a376cce05110c1efdc4dd7d",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "19",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136674101",
v: "1c61",
r: "d72534f6555af0b83068666852f5aa5fcb96ef0564bc30baad7ad556d3c5ac4",
s: "6e96ca222952a82913ee6a6fed3c535a8b50a4147b0b46f337407a83e280c6f9"
hash: "0x270780dd570baa0939e878e62eff1a299b708a6a2a376cce05110c1efdc4dd7d",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136675685",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1192"
0xdc4c777af734c8539685508a03ce8d64a4d49525568287e751a7b41d003fa3b3: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00dc4623b40d1208a92adaf738aa0f099c50568d2fecf77ecac15328a039dc4f",
blockNumber: "29",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xdc4c777af734c8539685508a03ce8d64a4d49525568287e751a7b41d003fa3b3",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "28",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136680713",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xdc4c777af734c8539685508a03ce8d64a4d49525568287e751a7b41d003fa3b3",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136681456",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2318"
0xf0862f9fa47e615ca5f7afd8ab3e70c109f5b7f9f86f2d686a919464a4f2149c: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00dc4623b40d1208a92adaf738aa0f099c50568d2fecf77ecac15328a039dc4f",
blockNumber: "29",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xf0862f9fa47e615ca5f7afd8ab3e70c109f5b7f9f86f2d686a919464a4f2149c",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "20",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136676590",
v: "1c61",
r: "2fd6bc46b6ef144782f408abf2e6c81dd50e0c66e2a7c29cb98e8d80e6f62980",
s: "29a6110bd245044235f33a70ff88bae92ca3b1f0f3e1f422ae6605d06ede2dcd"
hash: "0xf0862f9fa47e615ca5f7afd8ab3e70c109f5b7f9f86f2d686a919464a4f2149c",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136681456",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "475"
0xdba34e001f8f0e3c6b71556127a3bd50c32a1906c5b196f1aee25929ee8ef500: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x000c1c50d4063f616242644954f26c2bc38a523b21a9d324e3876ad56a0fd93c",
blockNumber: "30",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xdba34e001f8f0e3c6b71556127a3bd50c32a1906c5b196f1aee25929ee8ef500",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "29",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136841557",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xdba34e001f8f0e3c6b71556127a3bd50c32a1906c5b196f1aee25929ee8ef500",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136844666",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "4881"
0x67a182fd9147cc9a2160566428468b52b8880b7900f745d03074438fdbf953af: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x000c1c50d4063f616242644954f26c2bc38a523b21a9d324e3876ad56a0fd93c",
blockNumber: "30",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x67a182fd9147cc9a2160566428468b52b8880b7900f745d03074438fdbf953af",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "21",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702136839457",
v: "1c61",
r: "4be4ddb141689445ff53784e08465d4d7f45aa9e46efcc18eabe5676e6e6b02e",
s: "54eee4c931bb33f42ea849cfb7f2e574854f10313fbc265e2673c8e6a571fbcd"
hash: "0x67a182fd9147cc9a2160566428468b52b8880b7900f745d03074438fdbf953af",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702136844666",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "808"
0x70d2bfbb497dd5336d6f5a3016807243fb9ccf9e117fb5a7a4c5f85766155220: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x000c646f9f2c7f3830ab77d0ed5e382099b67cacfc2eb22c72c4b51c3c5f3ed0",
blockNumber: "31",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x70d2bfbb497dd5336d6f5a3016807243fb9ccf9e117fb5a7a4c5f85766155220",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "30",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137274143",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x70d2bfbb497dd5336d6f5a3016807243fb9ccf9e117fb5a7a4c5f85766155220",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137278416",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "1690"
0x64c30834336d117661c16a25ab6e47b2819a8518e3df66ac4c4e3b4b4974e42a: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x000c646f9f2c7f3830ab77d0ed5e382099b67cacfc2eb22c72c4b51c3c5f3ed0",
blockNumber: "31",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x64c30834336d117661c16a25ab6e47b2819a8518e3df66ac4c4e3b4b4974e42a",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "22",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137270974",
v: "1c62",
r: "b235a69b65903d6326b42ec27e65bd698ac706f8366b1f7b1bf593e844f87ba7",
s: "591833980021f6defb2671c36cc826ea1efab4d9c1eee28dcfe2e2f8f61752c"
hash: "0x64c30834336d117661c16a25ab6e47b2819a8518e3df66ac4c4e3b4b4974e42a",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137278416",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "3578"
0xbe6bbc00c3c0486cf1889ab21ebeca901506b7785825fbb9b2cefe776089036f: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x005b608b0f73a663a5edf7b94cacedf12a990728daa35410e732d04cf5961205",
blockNumber: "32",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xbe6bbc00c3c0486cf1889ab21ebeca901506b7785825fbb9b2cefe776089036f",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "31",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137323444",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xbe6bbc00c3c0486cf1889ab21ebeca901506b7785825fbb9b2cefe776089036f",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137324876",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "6915"
0x2c32e99703210bdadc2bba260f770e7e8c790690c2149c9ce0255d3bc55cf0fe: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x005b608b0f73a663a5edf7b94cacedf12a990728daa35410e732d04cf5961205",
blockNumber: "32",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x2c32e99703210bdadc2bba260f770e7e8c790690c2149c9ce0255d3bc55cf0fe",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "23",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137323133",
v: "1c61",
r: "71ef73ebcfa51ed1836f0968de9126ddabd8efe7cb226d5102b4962d3e8ccbc1",
s: "6fc776b60f18d71b65c69fb95cca9a82a0894b35e43c0f7e98ee861f20acdfa"
hash: "0x2c32e99703210bdadc2bba260f770e7e8c790690c2149c9ce0255d3bc55cf0fe",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137324876",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "10298"
0x02eebf08f69a19407314dd507477a3a341de8116a003064e3afac510e2939e11: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0034c1f486ba0099f048e3c6f963fa5c2178a97eb9b472473ff8304011266d28",
blockNumber: "33",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x02eebf08f69a19407314dd507477a3a341de8116a003064e3afac510e2939e11",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "32",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137329878",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x02eebf08f69a19407314dd507477a3a341de8116a003064e3afac510e2939e11",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137352344",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "1490"
0x43d2e7922f2608ad4c091c265f857962698c79c4aa6385793ec39034004579ee: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0034c1f486ba0099f048e3c6f963fa5c2178a97eb9b472473ff8304011266d28",
blockNumber: "33",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x43d2e7922f2608ad4c091c265f857962698c79c4aa6385793ec39034004579ee",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "24",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137327308",
v: "1c62",
r: "110e68ad3bfb1f5cab695d63eb50ec29c57f3f7df6e4cf933d130fd9a3cb2862",
s: "144c3f5e3acb70c60cb576c9b695be9803bef71c9145d4fbf4fe578aa0180b86"
hash: "0x43d2e7922f2608ad4c091c265f857962698c79c4aa6385793ec39034004579ee",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137352344",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1170"
0x4e5bc4cca076ee80bbc868ec882161baaf85851a2dc4dfe93931d2afefa73a31: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x004b8380706b89f74b5126e4ab5eb60c5811587ed8aed703286756b1adfefbb6",
blockNumber: "34",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x4e5bc4cca076ee80bbc868ec882161baaf85851a2dc4dfe93931d2afefa73a31",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "33",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137823067",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x4e5bc4cca076ee80bbc868ec882161baaf85851a2dc4dfe93931d2afefa73a31",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137826739",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2308"
0x83b887180a7347a09434575e16a0d50565c8b884367a1ca154b7e9325c0934ed: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x004b8380706b89f74b5126e4ab5eb60c5811587ed8aed703286756b1adfefbb6",
blockNumber: "34",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x83b887180a7347a09434575e16a0d50565c8b884367a1ca154b7e9325c0934ed",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "25",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137819484",
v: "1c62",
r: "4b96f61e91579b312e50c061bc1b1c2f40b4bcfca28869472572533a5c58259d",
s: "44971e3fede1a485287c251c0bb4e9b764929d29d977da7701d7326ef90a2d98"
hash: "0x83b887180a7347a09434575e16a0d50565c8b884367a1ca154b7e9325c0934ed",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137826739",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "3647"
0xb27ebcd8c98776e1b99835d69133df247b7e28211de7dd1a0d04bf42d6d9f4ed: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00f81029c4e5f06c4fb592473afc90fe1f4651488ed142a63220ff8693535919",
blockNumber: "35",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xb27ebcd8c98776e1b99835d69133df247b7e28211de7dd1a0d04bf42d6d9f4ed",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "34",
to: "0xff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137831931",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xb27ebcd8c98776e1b99835d69133df247b7e28211de7dd1a0d04bf42d6d9f4ed",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137833892",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "3655"
0x8bd2e15463e7077c51933818c91b92287dc272f79db15ebd48cf6dc84ea0bae2: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00f81029c4e5f06c4fb592473afc90fe1f4651488ed142a63220ff8693535919",
blockNumber: "35",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x8bd2e15463e7077c51933818c91b92287dc272f79db15ebd48cf6dc84ea0bae2",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "26",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137827637",
v: "1c61",
r: "be82a89ba20515d9ff891561181623171c5661be9a5dd73f4656e65eb684ec42",
s: "440fcf40d590f1aac3f23aeb1695aa826bd5af18a96fde353838c924b8c6fdb9"
hash: "0x8bd2e15463e7077c51933818c91b92287dc272f79db15ebd48cf6dc84ea0bae2",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137833892",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1273"
0x9814d82d46954129753942f06a3121515183cad43afd6a9adda690ad0929e055: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0053a1f89231de7c1b598893293511ac148473593f36e6059d92b27932a43dc2",
blockNumber: "36",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x9814d82d46954129753942f06a3121515183cad43afd6a9adda690ad0929e055",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "35",
to: "0xff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137839061",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x9814d82d46954129753942f06a3121515183cad43afd6a9adda690ad0929e055",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137840582",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2820"
0x08792b452d315a340f7f4ee093822b61c4386c80706e8e2c71d80ba12c9bdd9f: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0053a1f89231de7c1b598893293511ac148473593f36e6059d92b27932a43dc2",
blockNumber: "36",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x08792b452d315a340f7f4ee093822b61c4386c80706e8e2c71d80ba12c9bdd9f",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "27",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137835843",
v: "1c62",
r: "484eb98963b525931f2e121fac3199d97f81c804ae9f698594ae953f28849b54",
s: "49e147bb97f3389481c5b238811968fd0e228b2af6350fa2d72b7a69a15d1e6b"
hash: "0x08792b452d315a340f7f4ee093822b61c4386c80706e8e2c71d80ba12c9bdd9f",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137840582",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1171"
0x7d18a9d6291cc89a506368e78ec6be69019c90f278a6281b4f7bd2e20e5142ac: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x001cd21e7ab3f7739d453af26aa167b3a3320eb9e01b9fd4329c5433b0650148",
blockNumber: "37",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x7d18a9d6291cc89a506368e78ec6be69019c90f278a6281b4f7bd2e20e5142ac",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "36",
to: "0xff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137845764",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x7d18a9d6291cc89a506368e78ec6be69019c90f278a6281b4f7bd2e20e5142ac",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137848089",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2598"
0x72362ea00b8ea3be471e03529de92cc594e89e21ff907040dcb578d311c329ce: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x001cd21e7ab3f7739d453af26aa167b3a3320eb9e01b9fd4329c5433b0650148",
blockNumber: "37",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x72362ea00b8ea3be471e03529de92cc594e89e21ff907040dcb578d311c329ce",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "28",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137842068",
v: "1c61",
r: "5e00417a963a27fd2478cd70efdf75390875c8a0f18ff1c8cf14be75439a4a22",
s: "435a4794c4eafcb633b98d254a3da0746192aa36daf4e52781adb34cb7427f30"
hash: "0x72362ea00b8ea3be471e03529de92cc594e89e21ff907040dcb578d311c329ce",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137848089",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2181"
0x50e956c5d644e8017f5c4b58fe4a61dd95c222361da3dcc8a06516aac9a09d5e: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00c79795363be9d51a2edcd5d09d3129ed597744e7e10c4f98847b8079daa87a",
blockNumber: "38",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x50e956c5d644e8017f5c4b58fe4a61dd95c222361da3dcc8a06516aac9a09d5e",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "37",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137918147",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x50e956c5d644e8017f5c4b58fe4a61dd95c222361da3dcc8a06516aac9a09d5e",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137919215",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "8333"
0x5e413a2d19b593f8455e747d09b69e38a44712f9166cfe282bdbbdb5a0098e92: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00c79795363be9d51a2edcd5d09d3129ed597744e7e10c4f98847b8079daa87a",
blockNumber: "38",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x5e413a2d19b593f8455e747d09b69e38a44712f9166cfe282bdbbdb5a0098e92",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "29",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137917291",
v: "1c62",
r: "982519f609bc4de9ae4bb6dbf9cc5356683754bc2aeba3412e8df19f6b7504cc",
s: "71397958a733be7b4e579a3ebd4b1f16cb646c246baa970d3266d08912ab1603"
hash: "0x5e413a2d19b593f8455e747d09b69e38a44712f9166cfe282bdbbdb5a0098e92",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137919215",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1055"
0x409351aba8e15d21ce4bc113f5c0510cb799b4842be3a95d6fa75cc27274c848: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00a5825c4712f8212adcd27de1763dd8c9f2d07d59610c9503adf13e1ea3b229",
blockNumber: "39",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x409351aba8e15d21ce4bc113f5c0510cb799b4842be3a95d6fa75cc27274c848",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "38",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137939226",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x409351aba8e15d21ce4bc113f5c0510cb799b4842be3a95d6fa75cc27274c848",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137939988",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "642"
0xc4d96a5b29be167f24d2d28ee4dc3791e81eb839a0ba92ab99d1392b595ed541: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00a5825c4712f8212adcd27de1763dd8c9f2d07d59610c9503adf13e1ea3b229",
blockNumber: "39",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xc4d96a5b29be167f24d2d28ee4dc3791e81eb839a0ba92ab99d1392b595ed541",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "30",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702137936800",
v: "1c62",
r: "ac8ae8bd23cd288508621ca45e6eaf4de3998f9ca0812d96a356005446b88ff",
s: "f38bfd469eac5104e74a9f6da955357de1a68d1b80356855d2b6f950f5e27d"
hash: "0xc4d96a5b29be167f24d2d28ee4dc3791e81eb839a0ba92ab99d1392b595ed541",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702137939988",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1085"
0x28fb3bc93c30e752582ca9c7fac1ee633739dc46014dea5ef338fc2f3edee979: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00942bbd416f946abf34f7ae6c1aab02f4a72060eef9918c816ec2852c0196bd",
blockNumber: "40",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x28fb3bc93c30e752582ca9c7fac1ee633739dc46014dea5ef338fc2f3edee979",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "39",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702138822530",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x28fb3bc93c30e752582ca9c7fac1ee633739dc46014dea5ef338fc2f3edee979",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702138823536",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "1585"
0x335f64d35e5c9b5879618554417d24c76622c5c22f37a4bfff710f2810af9352: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00942bbd416f946abf34f7ae6c1aab02f4a72060eef9918c816ec2852c0196bd",
blockNumber: "40",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x335f64d35e5c9b5879618554417d24c76622c5c22f37a4bfff710f2810af9352",
from: "0xff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
gasLimit: "457925",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x",
nonce: "0",
to: "0x0da81b5da0e5b6a4615d3499d31bb34f0e35a74e",
value: "1000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702138818813",
v: "1c61",
r: "b659ea068b91f6f9d34b7ed2efbe04ecc3c31521ed48315858496c0f716e6a02",
s: "3127a9f3f46a0077063bacd6141eea5af79adf8b5186c59e07e79c71950c4158"
hash: "0x335f64d35e5c9b5879618554417d24c76622c5c22f37a4bfff710f2810af9352",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702138823536",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "14175"
0x4fc374812e184d2b31bb616153c2fb177ee54f18d13c82bf2168dfdb15cfe051: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x007feb1b0beff5c9b2c13c1cac1f97cbfb7fb0c563b6c1027a1a8a67aed26972",
blockNumber: "41",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x4fc374812e184d2b31bb616153c2fb177ee54f18d13c82bf2168dfdb15cfe051",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "40",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702138878566",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x4fc374812e184d2b31bb616153c2fb177ee54f18d13c82bf2168dfdb15cfe051",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702138882707",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "5164"
0x9875bfede4e11ecf7234698a14ed497864c10f9ba1baf77b045fbca420c1bb00: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x007feb1b0beff5c9b2c13c1cac1f97cbfb7fb0c563b6c1027a1a8a67aed26972",
blockNumber: "41",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x9875bfede4e11ecf7234698a14ed497864c10f9ba1baf77b045fbca420c1bb00",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "31",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702138878201",
v: "1c62",
r: "e67a89c4d859f94618ceece78d875fe209af2b5c6a8c8f26b36c9cad0701a9ab",
s: "8d62cdf554cab1298d6ad8ac2232984bc0c3d4dc88e92a78791ebbe808de1e5"
hash: "0x9875bfede4e11ecf7234698a14ed497864c10f9ba1baf77b045fbca420c1bb00",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702138882707",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "8917"
0x1621eee19380ab670cb4301345344031738e04555ca7aa7ef474054b3a136f1f: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00155f75cd57c99929a90803a293ae760e23946288afa442791de97e900c7aa2",
blockNumber: "42",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x1621eee19380ab670cb4301345344031738e04555ca7aa7ef474054b3a136f1f",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "41",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702138887709",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x1621eee19380ab670cb4301345344031738e04555ca7aa7ef474054b3a136f1f",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702138894728",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2379"
0x21a481eab803eba639e6dfae09491919c5cc637ae0d97c63a3c557a7fa316ded: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00155f75cd57c99929a90803a293ae760e23946288afa442791de97e900c7aa2",
blockNumber: "42",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x21a481eab803eba639e6dfae09491919c5cc637ae0d97c63a3c557a7fa316ded",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "32",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702138886315",
v: "1c61",
r: "8b7ff3c664f6aad558404f0d3899f69d4d4491e2f2f3a4de3d877b0fd61a5e8d",
s: "313a3b0026c6b70bca114abe58e947202d9b8856d732b11d6a192d0ccd57f014"
hash: "0x21a481eab803eba639e6dfae09491919c5cc637ae0d97c63a3c557a7fa316ded",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702138894728",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "4717"
0xee1a32f18c864b23ee880c38ab0b483806167f185b121a8ff0da72e30facda10: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00610d94f46b3ceb99c9846344a5405319b4a3347f900aaeee784787bb7e7f75",
blockNumber: "43",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xee1a32f18c864b23ee880c38ab0b483806167f185b121a8ff0da72e30facda10",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "42",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702138899729",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xee1a32f18c864b23ee880c38ab0b483806167f185b121a8ff0da72e30facda10",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702138900939",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2797"
0x63a85145c4535cd1cb3b86206215a855e6d3102d03e87608e04019a635b84e96: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00610d94f46b3ceb99c9846344a5405319b4a3347f900aaeee784787bb7e7f75",
blockNumber: "43",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x63a85145c4535cd1cb3b86206215a855e6d3102d03e87608e04019a635b84e96",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "33",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702138897501",
v: "1c61",
r: "54974378d4c8428aa98c98c8bee4d688d4e6b9de3d758e1c32b5fb854acf9b1d",
s: "33aff75c83bdbd6cec133aee9c7db6fda57fefe2dd341a4dc6c21ab1f05a24c2"
hash: "0x63a85145c4535cd1cb3b86206215a855e6d3102d03e87608e04019a635b84e96",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702138900939",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "9530"
0x8dcde4817f3e75a457608b1721ee358c10b0f72adb33d119ce6ce1620a527149: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00efede3eeb6c067bee5f66812a9ceb85e16fe1120945df8f06927c01c3a4a7d",
blockNumber: "44",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x8dcde4817f3e75a457608b1721ee358c10b0f72adb33d119ce6ce1620a527149",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "43",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702149311240",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x8dcde4817f3e75a457608b1721ee358c10b0f72adb33d119ce6ce1620a527149",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702149317044",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "1620"
0x515a83ca0d5a12c7f1875c48446d1f1d8eb82a42781c153072d29be86fee41d0: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00efede3eeb6c067bee5f66812a9ceb85e16fe1120945df8f06927c01c3a4a7d",
blockNumber: "44",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x515a83ca0d5a12c7f1875c48446d1f1d8eb82a42781c153072d29be86fee41d0",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000ff7cee092641a91e3a105bf0df0748bc11216973",
nonce: "34",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1702149308158",
v: "1c61",
r: "5a1df60ceeb16afc9356813765d416a325d989923f94027277c9f6271fb6e1cc",
s: "677748f9f8c415cb60323de81d94680c685864b90762523bdb62f1d5711ba99"
hash: "0x515a83ca0d5a12c7f1875c48446d1f1d8eb82a42781c153072d29be86fee41d0",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1702149317044",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "3968"
0xbca7f856124df08bf861a13a966883f2dab746612aaca6aea0695c75101f8601: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0068644374aa763da8626cb7d8da7029a35e4e76d008d4c18ebd0eed694ba844",
blockNumber: "45",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xbca7f856124df08bf861a13a966883f2dab746612aaca6aea0695c75101f8601",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "44",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1704821792217",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xbca7f856124df08bf861a13a966883f2dab746612aaca6aea0695c75101f8601",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1704821795071",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "1777"
0x7c5e6c6cc0e0dcd1f9762f541913543cd006d5c3f97cba2d97f53959819053f4: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0068644374aa763da8626cb7d8da7029a35e4e76d008d4c18ebd0eed694ba844",
blockNumber: "45",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x7c5e6c6cc0e0dcd1f9762f541913543cd006d5c3f97cba2d97f53959819053f4",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f90000000000000000000000001f3cb43d20f18f467a8a2be65ea69a5ac87d14be",
nonce: "35",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1704821789274",
v: "1c62",
r: "b791155d2cf6c765b249ec4b243dd3ed24b9f10234be1c757571af00c3279859",
s: "4d2047de2c77bdbe30793f6f57b2799039f3e8ff530f784173562b2e6c7944a3"
hash: "0x7c5e6c6cc0e0dcd1f9762f541913543cd006d5c3f97cba2d97f53959819053f4",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1704821795071",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2645"
0x37171e0eb861a0618ea855011041129345199a390ccd368343cba4ef8b0897b4: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00a9cc29f57007beffafcc64a8fe2322b61d5b32069bd1a296f916b17ae74401",
blockNumber: "46",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x37171e0eb861a0618ea855011041129345199a390ccd368343cba4ef8b0897b4",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "45",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1704821800073",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x37171e0eb861a0618ea855011041129345199a390ccd368343cba4ef8b0897b4",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1704821804879",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "1316"
0xded491ff92f07cb14728354689cb16b1e5f3bb9b338776c1e96dd6bff9215e51: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00a9cc29f57007beffafcc64a8fe2322b61d5b32069bd1a296f916b17ae74401",
blockNumber: "46",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xded491ff92f07cb14728354689cb16b1e5f3bb9b338776c1e96dd6bff9215e51",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f90000000000000000000000001f3cb43d20f18f467a8a2be65ea69a5ac87d14be",
nonce: "36",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1704821797574",
v: "1c61",
r: "c27bca8e98172e8d23ac1ec002a64796abd8c130b72c7a4ffd970a0cda53aec2",
s: "58c03d8b5fb14e9dc4365af3a79a939a1a63250cb315956f8852316f0581b2d4"
hash: "0xded491ff92f07cb14728354689cb16b1e5f3bb9b338776c1e96dd6bff9215e51",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1704821804879",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "3709"
0xb10d66aac9cb0f5b52fc066c8d7cd82b1481d9bd1872e1b486b996dd109214a5: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00defbce09fc00e2cd955476b6a650a4a149457fbeb430eebdeb405aeba91acd",
blockNumber: "47",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xb10d66aac9cb0f5b52fc066c8d7cd82b1481d9bd1872e1b486b996dd109214a5",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "46",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1704821809881",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xb10d66aac9cb0f5b52fc066c8d7cd82b1481d9bd1872e1b486b996dd109214a5",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1704821810754",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2918"
0xacbccaadfc4e8ee297241ee3d53c50b6cca88acf446cf73223560b70b794669f: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00defbce09fc00e2cd955476b6a650a4a149457fbeb430eebdeb405aeba91acd",
blockNumber: "47",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xacbccaadfc4e8ee297241ee3d53c50b6cca88acf446cf73223560b70b794669f",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f90000000000000000000000001f3cb43d20f18f467a8a2be65ea69a5ac87d14be",
nonce: "37",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1704821805838",
v: "1c62",
r: "6be8748707dcaae60001a90ac04d768f03d70f47230e797d662732e598cec835",
s: "2d407440f499dfe306c79fa963777807662317962bb23b068b6d7509fd39ff88"
hash: "0xacbccaadfc4e8ee297241ee3d53c50b6cca88acf446cf73223560b70b794669f",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1704821810754",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1208"
0xb9e9938da0cda840664916d4e1f21aaea93ce71aba61751434e5df5f4c958381: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00ff93d3baa9957d2625848fc15f3c1ee79edc4b88f86570bd0865aebf6814af",
blockNumber: "48",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xb9e9938da0cda840664916d4e1f21aaea93ce71aba61751434e5df5f4c958381",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "47",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1704821815755",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xb9e9938da0cda840664916d4e1f21aaea93ce71aba61751434e5df5f4c958381",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1704821817042",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "2846"
0xdf8a85a40ae16d2ff22ae153a108e9c89cdc54bfb5ae0d9623a5540bc160b1e0: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00ff93d3baa9957d2625848fc15f3c1ee79edc4b88f86570bd0865aebf6814af",
blockNumber: "48",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xdf8a85a40ae16d2ff22ae153a108e9c89cdc54bfb5ae0d9623a5540bc160b1e0",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f90000000000000000000000001f3cb43d20f18f467a8a2be65ea69a5ac87d14be",
nonce: "38",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1704821814122",
v: "1c62",
r: "1ba46d83642b13c847bb62dfed2236689f5cdc15e351dd4176be2c8120d6d884",
s: "4c7645b264f7a07262102d65f95a173de5c2f4692a4d37c01c3b8a0b26b81963"
hash: "0xdf8a85a40ae16d2ff22ae153a108e9c89cdc54bfb5ae0d9623a5540bc160b1e0",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1704821817042",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2141"
0x19312c73e009168e5aba240693a46fc8d708d9c85d2b1f17ce9b4964dc2c92ec: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00dccc0e8c7319b1897b12de619d4d73909b2dbc0ac91456807ad7dd722704eb",
blockNumber: "49",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x19312c73e009168e5aba240693a46fc8d708d9c85d2b1f17ce9b4964dc2c92ec",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "48",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1704821822045",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x19312c73e009168e5aba240693a46fc8d708d9c85d2b1f17ce9b4964dc2c92ec",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1704821823374",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "9610"
0x433de861a571f823a73baf3c8f0e2ed8b26d3b36df57a9206b958e8788ff3c54: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00dccc0e8c7319b1897b12de619d4d73909b2dbc0ac91456807ad7dd722704eb",
blockNumber: "49",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x433de861a571f823a73baf3c8f0e2ed8b26d3b36df57a9206b958e8788ff3c54",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f90000000000000000000000001f3cb43d20f18f467a8a2be65ea69a5ac87d14be",
nonce: "39",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1704821818382",
v: "1c61",
r: "6e7828fbe247518c01a9eedb6bf65dfb3341508b028ddd2fd40cae61f947c63b",
s: "6e6d2d51aa847425c77939baf33ffb61a86f3e5d18b8f55fd47201fc4b199b62"
hash: "0x433de861a571f823a73baf3c8f0e2ed8b26d3b36df57a9206b958e8788ff3c54",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1704821823374",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "8028"
0xa2773de16cb41a33ea4a03df59a67ea9a9efc871c694b2ea80ae666974059e1f: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00c08d7840d93b44269c79b9ceab2012671e75e63365f8d4f6b08961562528ad",
blockNumber: "50",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xa2773de16cb41a33ea4a03df59a67ea9a9efc871c694b2ea80ae666974059e1f",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "49",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1704821828375",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xa2773de16cb41a33ea4a03df59a67ea9a9efc871c694b2ea80ae666974059e1f",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1704821832978",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "4133"
0x333540a1c860d3a4a7293a1379658d2e98fa7fc7c20308db62c8b42dfe851334: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00c08d7840d93b44269c79b9ceab2012671e75e63365f8d4f6b08961562528ad",
blockNumber: "50",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x333540a1c860d3a4a7293a1379658d2e98fa7fc7c20308db62c8b42dfe851334",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f90000000000000000000000001f3cb43d20f18f467a8a2be65ea69a5ac87d14be",
nonce: "40",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1704821826626",
v: "1c62",
r: "8e9f40c58aaf86ebf0184d30bb4f541e94869687ec93dd3728266e072f8bb685",
s: "68339a377174bffd0a3de5bf03084635efba13d7f102acb853b219d859df6c77"
hash: "0x333540a1c860d3a4a7293a1379658d2e98fa7fc7c20308db62c8b42dfe851334",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1704821832978",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "6354"
0x453116693a6f1962ed295942db3ed0a62d62bdf1b5a3ee68adafb1ec747a08c1: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0062e79229a78e3061f1e300ec47ba9d93468f72e79787288f3a2a6a35d88056",
blockNumber: "51",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x453116693a6f1962ed295942db3ed0a62d62bdf1b5a3ee68adafb1ec747a08c1",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "50",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1720875217431",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x453116693a6f1962ed295942db3ed0a62d62bdf1b5a3ee68adafb1ec747a08c1",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1720875223408",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "11220"
0x56aa930a78d7b4dd3ddeea9b692e825100fd4a5076b82131f79d7f8bbf4a990e: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0062e79229a78e3061f1e300ec47ba9d93468f72e79787288f3a2a6a35d88056",
blockNumber: "51",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x56aa930a78d7b4dd3ddeea9b692e825100fd4a5076b82131f79d7f8bbf4a990e",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f900000000000000000000000074f79e07013553b8b111b3a0645cc4b46389ca82",
nonce: "41",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1720875215734",
v: "1c61",
r: "76c5ad4b56fdf8040224d8f7305639699b6ede1807f0afe4b4ff85dcda9dcfa2",
s: "46f9d5fa27eed74ba36a8fbb9395af788c74939ce46d53894b045319ba0834e3"
hash: "0x56aa930a78d7b4dd3ddeea9b692e825100fd4a5076b82131f79d7f8bbf4a990e",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1720875223408",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2154"
0x1255e6263f5b245aa0b1450b253c2d98c9d0ba358f75fb09f897dc82181441fa: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0082aecf4ac3e72c58f2fe3723577a59322d8b90296c42bd35386c39f774e10c",
blockNumber: "52",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x1255e6263f5b245aa0b1450b253c2d98c9d0ba358f75fb09f897dc82181441fa",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "51",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1720875253416",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x1255e6263f5b245aa0b1450b253c2d98c9d0ba358f75fb09f897dc82181441fa",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1720875260360",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "7893"
0x0d1568e67db0f458336483f6fb6be4e6085dc07c94390d1614d06132bbbfb381: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0082aecf4ac3e72c58f2fe3723577a59322d8b90296c42bd35386c39f774e10c",
blockNumber: "52",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x0d1568e67db0f458336483f6fb6be4e6085dc07c94390d1614d06132bbbfb381",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f900000000000000000000000074f79e07013553b8b111b3a0645cc4b46389ca82",
nonce: "42",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1720875249570",
v: "1c62",
r: "1ec59e55d09f4be84ddf08840342b3ea3ce2d55559b503b4bf07a248e65c887d",
s: "74b6af1a38a515ca76853964bc74517ddee7175e651c8fcc36d1036b08a28f36"
hash: "0x0d1568e67db0f458336483f6fb6be4e6085dc07c94390d1614d06132bbbfb381",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1720875260360",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2938"
0x92fdbe50dc544a193479fb367c4301c9940044ddbc46bbad6b4a2ffe38358f20: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00e533277943cfad3d3b7dde4f9e00e009eba9a8e7a38bbea85c57d61bae2934",
blockNumber: "53",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x92fdbe50dc544a193479fb367c4301c9940044ddbc46bbad6b4a2ffe38358f20",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "52",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1720875280370",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x92fdbe50dc544a193479fb367c4301c9940044ddbc46bbad6b4a2ffe38358f20",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1720875291372",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "6571"
0xb1dfea4931e97dcbc74d04df5fcb99565afc904719197134ddb07843f1932998: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00e533277943cfad3d3b7dde4f9e00e009eba9a8e7a38bbea85c57d61bae2934",
blockNumber: "53",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0xb1dfea4931e97dcbc74d04df5fcb99565afc904719197134ddb07843f1932998",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f900000000000000000000000074f79e07013553b8b111b3a0645cc4b46389ca82",
nonce: "43",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1720875279533",
v: "1c61",
r: "d8bf8944e3283cd9efe3fb057cb86a8680e3a5e536f9867f8679d42a9f9dfd7e",
s: "7439c93a38f7e5712eaa4451d17a8358de1869d766fd5ba3579c876fa7955028"
hash: "0xb1dfea4931e97dcbc74d04df5fcb99565afc904719197134ddb07843f1932998",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1720875291372",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2802"
0xd1b76201c6a544c0c36b34b3877db8e574b418696308f1c8557ce430d75cbe38: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x001bfb3e0d14ef264819249e476628b8b7063ae1615ac452413be50a92e78700",
blockNumber: "54",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xd1b76201c6a544c0c36b34b3877db8e574b418696308f1c8557ce430d75cbe38",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "53",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1724298449838",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xd1b76201c6a544c0c36b34b3877db8e574b418696308f1c8557ce430d75cbe38",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1724298460542",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "11122"
0x79bdb61267021b32912944437760757c5a31e92b30a9142222bce04bd8a00fbc: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x001bfb3e0d14ef264819249e476628b8b7063ae1615ac452413be50a92e78700",
blockNumber: "54",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x79bdb61267021b32912944437760757c5a31e92b30a9142222bce04bd8a00fbc",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000e37f7f523e8b72fb06c4d8ccf9631a74a8fcd414",
nonce: "44",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1724298444919",
v: "1c62",
r: "1ff1f39908bb1e122b6b782fc99a842904e9ae5fd4e62643fc402b676c01f7b4",
s: "7fae433e9d6f2e9595f0b2e446c187660faea10ed6ca8cf0e30cb98cd3b914bd"
hash: "0x79bdb61267021b32912944437760757c5a31e92b30a9142222bce04bd8a00fbc",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1724298460542",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2163"
0xa98b83e5bf2731669fe4b01d51a3085a0cdb151ddb7d7a2006776aef4840547f: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00a6c1108bb8c09cf2419ff183ed6e1187661ab729166f3447f9fcc5f618b48b",
blockNumber: "55",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xa98b83e5bf2731669fe4b01d51a3085a0cdb151ddb7d7a2006776aef4840547f",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "54",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1724298475544",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xa98b83e5bf2731669fe4b01d51a3085a0cdb151ddb7d7a2006776aef4840547f",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1724298476709",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "14704"
0x9f70ab2b8b65c8c2ee0fbe6544a649a594b7e290cf8bf58f5ac5d992283bca5e: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00a6c1108bb8c09cf2419ff183ed6e1187661ab729166f3447f9fcc5f618b48b",
blockNumber: "55",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x9f70ab2b8b65c8c2ee0fbe6544a649a594b7e290cf8bf58f5ac5d992283bca5e",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000e37f7f523e8b72fb06c4d8ccf9631a74a8fcd414",
nonce: "45",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1724298474127",
v: "1c61",
r: "6d6237e7ea5a6818035430fbb8867bdf1080def421b3a9d6ff6bbd24d673f7d1",
s: "27d98933339e8348b231028177e96d22118ca4382dd33af43aa99d21362db464"
hash: "0x9f70ab2b8b65c8c2ee0fbe6544a649a594b7e290cf8bf58f5ac5d992283bca5e",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1724298476709",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2866"
0x3ef76a68950d7c0251462879115f4e7c44341751239bbab737818005c129b204: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00ad07432529e25c388b446a05d4b52d8cab0e6bacfd954d9cd2334e463e4cb3",
blockNumber: "56",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x3ef76a68950d7c0251462879115f4e7c44341751239bbab737818005c129b204",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "55",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1727863123092",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x3ef76a68950d7c0251462879115f4e7c44341751239bbab737818005c129b204",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1727863127368",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "20935"
0x021f05bed67059020def15d6a018bce0a11ef03cb428f47cb6966b9e7e87af87: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00ad07432529e25c388b446a05d4b52d8cab0e6bacfd954d9cd2334e463e4cb3",
blockNumber: "56",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x021f05bed67059020def15d6a018bce0a11ef03cb428f47cb6966b9e7e87af87",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000e37f7f523e8b72fb06c4d8ccf9631a74a8fcd414",
nonce: "46",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1727863120371",
v: "1c61",
r: "5629980ac165476175a8c090ddeb467b9fc184fff8d56bbb755ae234db20a4f0",
s: "7c2cdb94111471c82b651dafd7a6c91100938e6bb1fe558e1154ace3f7cc85c9"
hash: "0x021f05bed67059020def15d6a018bce0a11ef03cb428f47cb6966b9e7e87af87",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1727863127368",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2054"
0x18c8ad125f2f3f8977083b5147c3aa1d29b179bca46fd891c2afd5eaa1ee4958: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00e6f175cd7c14b48c9635b7dbcd753f858180c0bdc5874dc5a4ca6f0e1627de",
blockNumber: "57",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x18c8ad125f2f3f8977083b5147c3aa1d29b179bca46fd891c2afd5eaa1ee4958",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "56",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1729335876068",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x18c8ad125f2f3f8977083b5147c3aa1d29b179bca46fd891c2afd5eaa1ee4958",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1729335876427",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "13508"
0x8c10f2618c30e1eff594ee0cb80605fa9dc9b701b124c2e670db08add42ef965: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00e6f175cd7c14b48c9635b7dbcd753f858180c0bdc5874dc5a4ca6f0e1627de",
blockNumber: "57",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x8c10f2618c30e1eff594ee0cb80605fa9dc9b701b124c2e670db08add42ef965",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f900000000000000000000000074f79e07013553b8b111b3a0645cc4b46389ca82",
nonce: "47",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1729335874077",
v: "1c62",
r: "3a33e6885ba5b682e6f0de96f2108db98a391cc1a009a7be7707f670cae267f8",
s: "675bc6b025e7ec2ee5f0e2baca80407f7b2fe84f87dc9bbfb981cf30a2dee77b"
hash: "0x8c10f2618c30e1eff594ee0cb80605fa9dc9b701b124c2e670db08add42ef965",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1729335876427",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1933"
0x99c19b5e26370cfbe6e082507f5977afc413881cc6582fa0564c8f843c8029fd: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x000ed63cad329e9f1edcb99af981571c62110c9357038c79e82f32c739a4877c",
blockNumber: "58",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x99c19b5e26370cfbe6e082507f5977afc413881cc6582fa0564c8f843c8029fd",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "57",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1736923869597",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x99c19b5e26370cfbe6e082507f5977afc413881cc6582fa0564c8f843c8029fd",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1736923885928",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "12230"
0x66459008857763e8bdcfdd1cdcab3efb6f90d72a35e77c9457eaf2ef49d015ff: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x000ed63cad329e9f1edcb99af981571c62110c9357038c79e82f32c739a4877c",
blockNumber: "58",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x66459008857763e8bdcfdd1cdcab3efb6f90d72a35e77c9457eaf2ef49d015ff",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000620bbfc673bfcb9fb79375dc1a9030577376952f",
nonce: "48",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1736923865634",
v: "1c62",
r: "21a1bd69fc95a2c9683463340902db3c167296ea1d2648502b274a45e568ce92",
s: "6b8ca03c5b0f1c9cbda2d2ea6a32c34dd6549ba407c3420c44c425d6a44346a6"
hash: "0x66459008857763e8bdcfdd1cdcab3efb6f90d72a35e77c9457eaf2ef49d015ff",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1736923885928",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1377"
0x3dc430076b8f1572ff4c31451181e276711c1eef12eafefa74f22e03e69a0a76: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x001fe9ab52dda38cb28c0872fa98ec0f6e76c822a923b8cf5e77b64737f7231f",
blockNumber: "59",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x3dc430076b8f1572ff4c31451181e276711c1eef12eafefa74f22e03e69a0a76",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "58",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1736923890930",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x3dc430076b8f1572ff4c31451181e276711c1eef12eafefa74f22e03e69a0a76",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1736923892585",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "3533"
0x41576665d2ad05248498de5ab3f7af3ba3f1317da7b43d32b40ddaa23b441a58: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x001fe9ab52dda38cb28c0872fa98ec0f6e76c822a923b8cf5e77b64737f7231f",
blockNumber: "59",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x41576665d2ad05248498de5ab3f7af3ba3f1317da7b43d32b40ddaa23b441a58",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f9000000000000000000000000620bbfc673bfcb9fb79375dc1a9030577376952f",
nonce: "49",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1736923888219",
v: "1c62",
r: "d2d02966e917573c05063f6f66125050041ef4d808a792bbd4722665f18adf1b",
s: "6635a0a00836339f767409af29c6b1058c054c27d19fe14e67e459ae913181d"
hash: "0x41576665d2ad05248498de5ab3f7af3ba3f1317da7b43d32b40ddaa23b441a58",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1736923892585",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2395"
0x69ed3bf9c3df9e948fc5be7cae627da6b9905790500d6c93adc48bc35ca5af75: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0056f9b77a4c406ca84c2f3bbf51adb50e8cebe9772c32274a7e57811d0bf5dc",
blockNumber: "60",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x69ed3bf9c3df9e948fc5be7cae627da6b9905790500d6c93adc48bc35ca5af75",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "59",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1738737404983",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x69ed3bf9c3df9e948fc5be7cae627da6b9905790500d6c93adc48bc35ca5af75",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1738737408485",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "11867"
0x9e65d28bccae4288f011af78fd1eb7ae887f1f9626ea78f9e84bf9d9c5c28f17: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0056f9b77a4c406ca84c2f3bbf51adb50e8cebe9772c32274a7e57811d0bf5dc",
blockNumber: "60",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x9e65d28bccae4288f011af78fd1eb7ae887f1f9626ea78f9e84bf9d9c5c28f17",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f900000000000000000000000068c54186ac84158a1c64bc794b1add82da8ed19e",
nonce: "50",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1738737403012",
v: "1c61",
r: "55e443674360a5a10e911c05d20bf92e5a6730ea5eb19a679fea045baca6c5cd",
s: "4de904574869ab3414dc73a9017f6a0851c178a1427beeddaddb8dce3e686aa8"
hash: "0x9e65d28bccae4288f011af78fd1eb7ae887f1f9626ea78f9e84bf9d9c5c28f17",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1738737408485",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2821"
0x6b161794faf30bcffc9279bf440e0ef9423e08e7fa3b24292279080f53c48192: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00e25c55df45b8ac77dbc6667cef8ed4a9f81caf3ea1547c984298cfc9789bd5",
blockNumber: "61",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x6b161794faf30bcffc9279bf440e0ef9423e08e7fa3b24292279080f53c48192",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "60",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1738737413487",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x6b161794faf30bcffc9279bf440e0ef9423e08e7fa3b24292279080f53c48192",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1738737413871",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "5107"
0x75fd11bfd5cc1e4b2e41adbf8bbda3e9a03ed72e5781619373c4b8a4a5f31154: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00e25c55df45b8ac77dbc6667cef8ed4a9f81caf3ea1547c984298cfc9789bd5",
blockNumber: "61",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x75fd11bfd5cc1e4b2e41adbf8bbda3e9a03ed72e5781619373c4b8a4a5f31154",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f900000000000000000000000068c54186ac84158a1c64bc794b1add82da8ed19e",
nonce: "51",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1738737411320",
v: "1c61",
r: "114a63725e04399b8e8ad070516e8e855e9572fa0a5bd7ab024f688cb13f9536",
s: "365af27fa03eb771bd1c5105a3867bbea0cc2ce1d12c1cb04fada0d46e04b0cc"
hash: "0x75fd11bfd5cc1e4b2e41adbf8bbda3e9a03ed72e5781619373c4b8a4a5f31154",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1738737413871",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2448"
0xf87c58bcf76dac1b3846bdb26685280d892bf80b91c5b647444ee5cefff82010: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x009f3b8382be6017bdce847a49551f3299169ddf57a452e8de52741965ec559b",
blockNumber: "62",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xf87c58bcf76dac1b3846bdb26685280d892bf80b91c5b647444ee5cefff82010",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "61",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1738737418873",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xf87c58bcf76dac1b3846bdb26685280d892bf80b91c5b647444ee5cefff82010",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1738737419030",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "3510"
0x26b2acff199c980e8ce65956f41d6a71d599776e294308b936ad61c3f9534455: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x009f3b8382be6017bdce847a49551f3299169ddf57a452e8de52741965ec559b",
blockNumber: "62",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x26b2acff199c980e8ce65956f41d6a71d599776e294308b936ad61c3f9534455",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f900000000000000000000000068c54186ac84158a1c64bc794b1add82da8ed19e",
nonce: "52",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1738737415730",
v: "1c62",
r: "1abf2114e2bb51755529a06432ec765b273a45682b99999fba6af2b37daef230",
s: "4a3b65393b6b62a3ad8df7a119943f7b8be8ecb724996597a640dd3a3ef79b35"
hash: "0x26b2acff199c980e8ce65956f41d6a71d599776e294308b936ad61c3f9534455",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1738737419030",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1360"
0xf7941e4985f9399c1a2da6c77c810c98fda18734729a8a26a4704d1f3b78b14e: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00241bbdc2455d0b91f4560409b258074e12b4974ac40b474eadc4d6d87b8e0d",
blockNumber: "63",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xf7941e4985f9399c1a2da6c77c810c98fda18734729a8a26a4704d1f3b78b14e",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "62",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1738737424033",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xf7941e4985f9399c1a2da6c77c810c98fda18734729a8a26a4704d1f3b78b14e",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1738737429149",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "7966"
0x9f2055d9a7d46c56e34be499fd1adf66447bdbe9af245ddcc52563325e8ed5b5: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x00241bbdc2455d0b91f4560409b258074e12b4974ac40b474eadc4d6d87b8e0d",
blockNumber: "63",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x9f2055d9a7d46c56e34be499fd1adf66447bdbe9af245ddcc52563325e8ed5b5",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f900000000000000000000000068c54186ac84158a1c64bc794b1add82da8ed19e",
nonce: "53",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1738737420209",
v: "1c62",
r: "701131bf632c38f4ba3ee1be9514b8109b8266a052b0cf6f6c48e22518160fca",
s: "3310d7f3b07fe8e2a8ea6f2870dc2373cdc1c9814bcb1ca1c1a0d9bfe053cd1f"
hash: "0x9f2055d9a7d46c56e34be499fd1adf66447bdbe9af245ddcc52563325e8ed5b5",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1738737429149",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "5218"
0xfed5bd71ca2170440bacb5e16dd6bb9b995c1980368e953b52b655ad8b1af149: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0049e2dbd76400ae6bfa75526952103d54d94d72c488a28abcc6e433156d806a",
blockNumber: "64",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0xfed5bd71ca2170440bacb5e16dd6bb9b995c1980368e953b52b655ad8b1af149",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "63",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1738737434150",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0xfed5bd71ca2170440bacb5e16dd6bb9b995c1980368e953b52b655ad8b1af149",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1738737439336",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "4200"
0x776197d619b23861ffeeb280bfeca1eb2bda0f2eac38d38abfbf65306091d35f: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x0049e2dbd76400ae6bfa75526952103d54d94d72c488a28abcc6e433156d806a",
blockNumber: "64",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x776197d619b23861ffeeb280bfeca1eb2bda0f2eac38d38abfbf65306091d35f",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f900000000000000000000000068c54186ac84158a1c64bc794b1add82da8ed19e",
nonce: "54",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1738737432499",
v: "1c62",
r: "be1620777e8e11040d2429b2818cf8d8d5beb68393d0540dcdde2af3da611939",
s: "168c557c6d52817603256cad26aca49700bcddd55418ef6c6c2ed39c61a67c6"
hash: "0x776197d619b23861ffeeb280bfeca1eb2bda0f2eac38d38abfbf65306091d35f",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1738737439336",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "2150"
0x6ff06aa4ca4b0729e62245ad1104991fa6ccfcd31bfea92fc7cf7774feab662f: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x009795216e5fa83dbe96f761e82b027b9a0ed072df4ff5dad1eedf89204c9e77",
blockNumber: "65",
transactionIndex: 0,
hash: "0x6ff06aa4ca4b0729e62245ad1104991fa6ccfcd31bfea92fc7cf7774feab662f",
from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
gasLimit: "1000000000000000000",
gasPrice: "0",
data: "0x",
nonce: "64",
to: "0xccf8ba457dcad7ee6a0361c96846a0f79744b113",
value: "250000000000000000000",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1738737444337",
v: "",
r: "",
s: ""
hash: "0x6ff06aa4ca4b0729e62245ad1104991fa6ccfcd31bfea92fc7cf7774feab662f",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1738737445670",
status: 1,
gasUsed: "4109"
0x87eb58201b90ea9f2360f4ac8f682286775bbba908afba280c3913367160edea: {
data: {
blockHash: "0x009795216e5fa83dbe96f761e82b027b9a0ed072df4ff5dad1eedf89204c9e77",
blockNumber: "65",
transactionIndex: 1,
hash: "0x87eb58201b90ea9f2360f4ac8f682286775bbba908afba280c3913367160edea",
from: "0x131a190fa22cb867abf58193bf9e7640e9fce682",
gasLimit: "25000",
gasPrice: "1000000000",
data: "0x418083f900000000000000000000000068c54186ac84158a1c64bc794b1add82da8ed19e",
nonce: "55",
to: "0xa28745ed4502f9c9eea2f3f474178d43e36347d8",
value: "0",
chainId: "3615",
origin: "1738737439888",
v: "1c61",
r: "1571901b8ade2b33112414508d589698eb107bd6200f7bb9d064d304305c18cf",
s: "361fbd878a82bbb650c3817035b4d30bdc46211cccd968a12405540d7956b29b"
hash: "0x87eb58201b90ea9f2360f4ac8f682286775bbba908afba280c3913367160edea",
load: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
if (! fs.existsSync(transactionFile)) {
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'IMPORT Transaction not found', this.hash);
const transactionJson = fs.readFileSync(transactionFile);
transactionData = JSON.parse(transactionJson, utils.bnJsonParser);
this.data = (typeof transactionData == 'TransactionData') ? transactionData : new TransactionData(transactionData);
return true;
save: "() => {
const transactionFile = config.node.dataDir + '/transactions/' + this.hash + '.json';
fs.writeFileSync(transactionFile, JSON.stringify(this.data));
return true;
getReceipt: "() => {
return blockchain.getTransactionReceiptByHash(this.hash);
getBlock: "() => {
return blockchain.getBlockByHash(this.data.blockHash);
getBlockTransationPrev: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txPrevIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex > 0) ? (this.data.transactionIndex-1) : null;
const tx = (block && txPrevIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
return tx;
getBlockTransationNext: "() => {
const block = this.getBlock();
const txNextIdx = (this.data.transactionIndex < block.transactions.length - 1) ? (this.data.transactionIndex+1) : null;
const tx = (block && txNextIdx in block.transactions) ? block.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
return tx;
getAccountTransactionIndex: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = account.data.transactions.findIndex(transactionHash => blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash).hash == this.hash);
if (txIdx === -1) {
return null;
return txIdx;
getAccountTransationPrev: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txPrevIdx = (txIdx > 0) ? (txIdx-1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txPrevIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txPrevIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
getAccountTransationNext: "() => {
const account = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! account) {
return null;
const txIdx = this.getAccountTransactionIndex();
if (txIdx === null) {
return null;
const txNextIdx = (txIdx < account.data.transactions.length - 1) ? (txIdx+1) : null;
const transactionHash = (txNextIdx in account.data.transactions) ? account.data.transactions[txNextIdx] : null;
if (! transactionHash) {
return null;
return blockchain.getTransactionByHash(transactionHash);
formatRpc: "() => {
// https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/blob/master/packages/abstract-provider/lib/index.d.ts
const to = (this.data.to && this.data.to.length == 42) ? this.data.to : null;
const _txData = {
blockHash: this.data.blockHash,
blockNumber: this.data.blockNumber.toNumber(),
transactionIndex: this.data.transactionIndex,
hash: this.data.hash,
from: this.data.from,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
chainId: this.data.chainId.toNumber(),
//origin: this.data.origin.toHexString(),
return _txData;
getHashOLD: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit,
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value,
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce,
const strvalue = JSON.stringify(utils.orderedObject(_txData));
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.id(strvalue);
return transactionHash;
getHash: "() => {
const _txData = {
gasPrice: this.data.gasPrice.toHexString(),
gasLimit: this.data.gasLimit.toHexString(),
from: this.data.from,
to: this.data.to,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
data: this.data.data,
nonce: this.data.nonce.toHexString(),
v: this.data.v ? ('0x' + this.data.v) : '',
r: this.data.r ? ('0x' + this.data.r) : '',
s: this.data.s ? ('0x' + this.data.s) : '',
const tx = new EthereumJS.Transaction(_txData);
const hashRaw = tx.hash();
const transactionHash = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["uint256"], hashRaw)[0].toHexString();
return transactionHash;
execute: "(block, transactionIndex, logIndexOffset) => {
const _tx = this;
function _rejectTransaction(reason) {
// https://openethereum.github.io/Transactions-Queue
reason = reason || 'unknown';
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] REJECTED PROCESSING TRANSACTION', _tx.data.hash, ' (Reason:', reason + ')');
const success = blockchain.removeTransactionsFromMempool([_tx.hash], true, true);
if (success) {
throw new Error(reason); // on rejete definitivement la tx (elle ne sera pas minée ... et donc aucun frais de gas ne sera compté)
// et du coup on rejete le block
function _checkGas(step) {
execDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
gasUsed = toBn(Math.round(execDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
txCost = gasUsed.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (step == 'afterTransfer') {
if (status) {
gasUsedEffective = gasUsed;
txCostEffective = gasUsedEffective.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
if (gasUsed.gt(_tx.data.gasLimit)) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('INSUFFICIENT_GAS');
gasUsedEffective = _tx.data.gasLimit;
txCostEffective = txCostLimit;
// emit event
const debugError = {
gasPrice: _tx.data.gasPrice,
gasLimit: _tx.data.gasLimit,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _tx.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
//const block = this;
const txLogs = [];
let vmStorage = {};
let gasUsed = toBn(0);
let gasUsedEffective = toBn(0);
let status = 1;
let error = null;
let createdContractAddress = null;
let amountTransfered = toBn(0);
const contractAddress = this.data.to;
let storageBackup;
let balanceBackup;
let contractExecuted = false;
let contractDeployed = false;
const execTsStart = performance.now()/1000; //process.hrtime(); //Date.now();
let execDuration = 0;
const txCostLimit = this.data.gasLimit.mul(this.data.gasPrice);
let txCost = toBn(0);
let txCostEffective = toBn(0);
const accountFrom = blockchain.getAccount(this.data.from);
if (! accountFrom) {
const accountFromBalance = accountFrom.data.balance;
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
// verif nonce
const expectedNonce = toBn(accountFrom.data.transactions.length); // le nonce attendu est egal au nombre de transactions passées de l'account
if (! this.data.nonce.eq(expectedNonce)) {
// verif balance pour gas + transfer
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0)) {
if (accountFromBalance.lt(this.data.value.add(txCostLimit))) {
// l'adresse n'a pas suffisamment de fond pour executer la transaction (selon gasLimit)
// TODO: faut-il rejeter la tx ? ou la laisser passer (en status=0) et lui vider sa balance (si 100% du gas est utilisé) ?
if (status) {
if (this.data.value && this.data.value.gt(0) && contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
// Transfer la valeur demandée (simple ETH transaction)
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(this.data, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
// si recipient == contract => on transfer quand meme dès maintenant => TODO: a revoir (le transferEth declenche un appel à receive ... avant meme de savoir si unne methode payable doit etre appelée. Probleme si receive provoque un revert => la fonction payable ne sera pas appelée)
// 1) si methode payable appellée, on l'execute
// 2) si methode non payable => on appelle receive juste avant
// 3) si methode inconnue => revert
if (transferResult && transferReverted) {
// reverted (after transfer)
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_REVERTED');
} else if (transferResult) {
// success
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
// transfer failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('TRANSFER_FAILED');
const gasUsedBeforeContractExecution = gasUsed;
if (status && this.data.data && this.data.data != '0x') {
// Traitement du champ data de la transaction (smart contract call)
if (!contractAddress || contractAddress == '0x') {
// contract creation
contractDeployed = true;
let contractExecResult;
try {
contractExecResult = this.transactionDeployContract(block);
const creationLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (creationLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...creationLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
// Deploy Failed
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// Deploy Success
createdContractAddress = contractExecResult.result.toLowerCase();
if (this.data.value.gt(0)) {
// Transfer tx value to contract
const _txData = {
to: createdContractAddress,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(_txData, block);
txLogs.push( ...transferLogs );
if (transferResult) {
amountTransfered = this.data.value;
} else {
status = 0;
} catch (e) {
//console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Cannot execute transaction');
//throw e;
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR');
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] CONTRACT_CREATION_ERROR with message', e.message)
// emit event
const debugError = {
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} else {
// contract execution
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
if (status) {
storageBackup = JSON.stringify(contractAccount.data.storage);
balanceBackup = contractAccount.data.balance;
contractExecuted = true;
try {
const contractExecResult = this.executeTransactionContract(block);
const internalLogs = contractExecResult.logs;
vmStorage = contractExecResult.storage;
if (internalLogs.length) {
txLogs.push( ...internalLogs );
if (! contractExecResult.result) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_FAILED');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
} catch (e) {
status = 0;
error = new Error('CONTRACT_EXEC_ERROR');
// emit event
const debugError = {
address: contractAddress,
error: e.message,
const eventParams = [
const errorLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, this.data, 'Error', eventParams, errorAbi);
const gasUsedAfterContractExecution = gasUsed;
const gasUsedInContractExecution = gasUsedAfterContractExecution.sub(gasUsedBeforeContractExecution);
const contractExecutionCost = gasUsedInContractExecution.mul(_tx.data.gasPrice);
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] execDuration =', (Math.round(execDuration * 1000000) / 1000000), ' seconds');
if (txCostEffective.gt(0)) {
// Gas payment
//const minerAccount = blockchain.getAccount(block.data.miner, true);
//const gasPaymentResult = minerAccount.transferFrom(accountFrom.address, txCostEffective);
const txDataGasPayment = {
from: accountFrom.address,
to: block.data.miner,
value: txCostEffective,
const [gasPaymentResult, gasPaymentLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataGasPayment, block, true);
if (gasPaymentResult) {
// gas payment success
} else {
// gas payment failed => reject transaction (and block)
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] Gas payment failed');
if (false) {
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const gasEffectivePercent = gasUsedEffective.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
const costPercent = txCost.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
const costEffectivePercent = txCostEffective.mul(100).div(txCostLimit).toNumber();
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostLimit =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostLimit));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] txCostEffective =', ethers.utils.formatEther(txCostEffective));
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] gas % =', Math.round(gasPercent), '% =', Math.round(gasEffectivePercent), '%');
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[DEBUG] cost % =', Math.round(costPercent), '%', Math.round(costEffectivePercent), '%');
if (accountFrom.address != mintAddress) {
const accountFromBalanceAtEnd = blockchain.getAccountBalance(accountFrom.address);
if (accountFromBalanceAtEnd.lt(0)){
if (! status) {
// Transaction Failed
// Revert transfer
if (amountTransfered.gt(0)) {
const txDataRevert = {
from: this.data.to,
to: this.data.from,
value: amountTransfered,
const [transferResult, transferLogs, transferReverted] = blockchain.transferEth(txDataRevert, block);
// TODO: gerer le revert des internal transfers
txLogs.forEach(log => {
log.removed = true;
// Revert contract storage
if (contractExecuted) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
} else if (amountTransfered) {
// on check aussi amountTransfered car le contrat peut avoir été exécuté via receive => TODO: process a revoir
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (contractAccount && contractAccount.isContract()) {
//contractAccount.data.storage = JSON.parse(storageBackup, utils.bnJsonParser);
//contractAccount.data.balance = balanceBackup;
// Revert deployed contract
if (contractDeployed) {
// nothing to do ?
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
const realExecDuration = performance.now()/1000 - execTsStart; //parseFloat(process.hrtime(execTsStart).join('.'));
const realGasUsed = toBn(Math.round(realExecDuration * cpuPricePerSecond)); // TODO: prendre en compte le storage utilisé dans le calcul du gasUsed
const realGasPercent = realGasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();
console.warn(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", '[WARNING] FAILED TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| real gas usage percent =', realGasPercent, '%', ' | Error: ', error.message);
} else {
// Transaction Success
// save contract storage
Object.entries(vmStorage).forEach((entry, idx) => {
const [contractAddress, contractStorage] = entry;
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress, true);
contractAccount.data.storage = contractStorage;
// show result (debug)
const gasPercent = gasUsed.mul(100).div(this.data.gasLimit).toNumber();;
console.log(utils.getDate(), "[BLOCKCHAIN]", 'SUCCECSS TRANSACTION ', this.data.hash, '| gas usage percent =', gasPercent, '%');
// total gas utilisé dans le block
block.data.gasUsed = block.data.gasUsed.add(gasUsed);
// assign block data on logs
txLogs.forEach((txLog, idx) => {
txLog.data.transactionIndex = transactionIndex;
txLog.data.logIndex = logIndexOffset + idx;
txLog.data.transactionHash = this.data.hash;
txLog.data.blockHash = block.hash;
txLog.data.blockNumber = block.data.number;
const receiptData = {
transactionHash: this.data.hash,
transactionIndex: transactionIndex,
blockNumber: block.data.number,
blockHash: block.hash,
//logsBloom: '0x0000',
contractAddress: createdContractAddress,
cumulativeGasUsed: block.data.gasUsed,
effectiveGasPrice: this.data.gasPrice,
effectiveCost: this.data.gasPrice.mul(gasUsed),
logs: txLogs,
const receipt = new Receipt(blockchain, receiptData);
return [receipt, txLogs];
executeTransactionContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
const isNullRecipient = (! contractAddress || contractAddress.length <= 2);
if (isNullRecipient) {
const contractAccount = blockchain.getAccount(contractAddress);
if (! contractAccount) {
// Execute existing contract method call
return blockchain.callContractMethodInVM(this.data, block);
transactionDeployContract: "(block) => {
let contractAddress = this.data.to;
let contractAccount;
if (contractAddress && contractAddress.length > 2) {
if (! this.data.data || this.data.data.length <= 2) {
// build contract address
contractAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress(this.data).toLocaleLowerCase();
// parse contract source code & constructor parameters
const codes = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(["string", "string"], this.data.data);
if (! codes) {
const sourceCode = codes[0];
const constructorParams = codes[1];
const constructorRawParams = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["string"], [constructorParams]);
const codeHash = ethers.utils.id(sourceCode);
const codeAbi = null; // l'abi sera généré une fois que le contrat aura été instancié
const storageHash = ethers.utils.id('{}');
// create new account
const accountData = {
address: contractAddress,
code: sourceCode,
storage: {},
contractAccount = blockchain.createAccount(contractAddress, accountData);
// instanciate contract + call constructor + recuperer storage
const txData = {
from: this.data.from,
to: contractAddress,
data: constructorRawParams,
value: this.data.value.toHexString(),
const callResult = blockchain.deployContractInVM(txData, block);
const creationLogs = callResult.logs;
const vmStorage = callResult.storage;
// emit event
const eventParams = [
const _txData = {
to: blockchain.getNullAddress(),
const deployLog = new TxLog(blockchain, null, _txData, 'ContractCreated', eventParams, deployAbi);
return {
result: contractAddress,
logs: creationLogs,
storage: vmStorage,
timestamp: "1738737445670",
status: 0,
gasUsed: "1496"